Kevin Sinnott

Ganed Kevin Sinnott ym 1947 yn Sarn, De Cymru, ac mae’n artist Cymreig cyfoes sydd ag enw ryngwladol.
Cesglir ei waith ledled y byd a chaiff ei gynrychioli mewn llawer o gasgliadau cyhoeddus pwysig, gan gynnwys yr Amgueddfa Gelf Metropolitan, Efrog Newydd. Mae ei gynfas mawr, ‘Running Away with the Hairdresser’ wedi profi i fod yn un o gaffaeliadau mwyaf poblogaidd Amgueddfa ac Orielau Cenedlaethol Cymru.

“A young Welsh student recently asked me if I had grown up in an artistic home. I said I hadn’t. She looked around the studio and thought for a while and wondered how that could be. I recollected how in the early sixties the youth clubs of South Wales in association with the LEAs used to look out for us kids. For a while there were art and music classes. I could draw and paint, but I had left school early and these places provided mentors, leaders, and characters, that didn’t look or walk the other way. “Oh. The community, then”, my Welsh visitor said.
After some twenty-five years away with more than a few ups and downs, I returned to that very community. It was initially a difficult return, not being exactly what my wife and I had wanted to do. In some ways it was more of a retreat from the challenges that my ambitions demanded I should always meet. Then, the returning of this native provided many more challenges. The artistic benefits, however, during the last fifteen years have been immense. The inspiration which I have gratefully, if not always humbly, received from my immediate environment, has sometimes seemed like a reward for coming home – the “fatted calf” even. A reward for the recognition and acknowledgement of my debt to the place in which my peculiar adventure began.”

“I don’t give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way” Mark Twain


Kevin Sinnott

71cm x 57cm

Olew ar gynfas



Kevin Sinnott

85cm x 110cm

Olew ar gynfas


Unwanted attention

Kevin Sinnott

71cm x 56cm

Olew ar gynfas



Kevin Sinnott

71cm x 57cm

Olew ar gynfas


Get me there on time

Kevin Sinnott

130cm x 110cm

Olew ar gynfas


Litter picking in Llangeinor

Kevin Sinnott

130cm x 110cm

Olew ar gynfas


Let’s dance with Albers in Barcelona

Kevin Sinnott

130cm x 110cm

Olew ar gynfas


Blowing in the wind

Kevin Sinnott

130cm x 110cm

Olew ar lliain


Above It All

Kevin Sinnott

170cm x 220cm

Olew ar lliain


Fragonard’s Swing

Kevin Sinnott

144cm x 178cm

Olew ar banel


Life Drawing

Kevin Sinnott

110cm x 130cm

Olew ar lliain


Father & Son On The Beach

Kevin Sinnott

110cm x 130cm

Olew ar lliain
